File Manager For Windows Phone 8 Free Download

File manager helps you manage your PC files from your mobile phone. It can connect to your computer both from LAN network connection as well as bluetooth connection. What are you waiting for? Transfer files from your computer or send files to your computer now!! File manager WP8 is a part of the 'Remote administration WP8' suite.

Windows Phone 8.1 is so full of surprises and opens the Windows Phone faithful up to a new world of apps. Video editors and file managers are just some of the new app categories possible thanks to Windows Phone 8.1. We’ve seen an official video editing app from Microsoft already, but today we finally get Files – the official file manager for Windows Phone.

Files is a free app for managing all the files on Windows Phone. We learned about the app when Joe Belfiore did an AMA on Reddit earlier this month. It was announced for a May release, but we later leaned it would be called Files and coming in June. The name was right, however the app is now live for you to download not in June, but in May.

Here’s the set of features we get in this version 1.0 release:

  • Access files stored on your phone and SD card
  • Browse, search and launch files
  • Easily share one file or multiple files
  • Create folders to organize your files
  • Copy, move, rename and delete files

With Files you can access your phones documents, downloads, music, pictures, pictures and more. It doesn’t matter if it’s on your SD card or on you’re the internal phone storage, Files can handle it all. We’ve spent a few minutes playing around with Files and really like it. It’s basic, but gets the job done.

We’ll have a hands-on with Files shortly. In the meantime, grab the app and let us know what you think!

Via: Windows Phone Blog

Thanks for the tip everyone!

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So many choicesFor

Best Xbox One games coming soon — Untitled Goose Game and more

Every week, numerous games launch on Xbox One and other platforms. Here are some of the biggest and most anticipated titles launching across Microsoft's platforms next week. In a few days, we'll have a few new smaller releases on Xbox One.

Some of you were looking for file managers for Windows Phone 8.1, so a couple of developers have quickly delivered. These file managers let you access your Documents, Downloads, and other user folders. You can essentially read, copy, and move files.

The two apps that we’re looking at are Aerize Explorer and Pocket Explorer. They share similar features with a few differences. Both apps are currently works in progress but can already be downloaded from the Windows Phone Store.

Aerize Explorer

Aerize lets you manage your files, folders, and storage cards. It is the first file manager for Windows Phone that can read and write files and folders to storage cards and the device file system. This means you can easily move files and folders between your device and microSD card.

Like we mentioned before, Aerize Explorer is still a work in progress. We’re not fans of the current design. It gets things done, but it’s not pretty. For example, the file location address and time stamp are displayed underneath file and folder names. We think these can be omitted or perhaps displayed in a better way.

Aerize Explorer is a free download from the Windows Phone Store. The developers are listening to your feedback and are responding quickly to requests. Head over to the forums to follow the conversation.

Pocket Explorer

Pocket Explorer also lets you Read, Copy, and Move files around, but we like the design better than Aerize. It looks clean and gets bonus points for integrating your phone’s accent color.

A feature we really like on Pocket Explorer is the ability to pin user files and folders. For example, I have my bus schedule in pdf format pinned to the home screen.

Pocket Explorer is free to try with the purchase option for $1.99 at the Windows Phone Store. It’s currently in beta, but we’re really happy with it so far.

File Manager For Windows 8 Free Download

You should install both of these file managers on your Windows Phone 8.1 devices with Preview for Developers. You’ll see more improvements in the coming weeks as both developers continue to iron things out. Which file manager do you prefer so far? Let us know in the comments!

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Es File Explorer For Windows 8 Free Download

So many choices

Best Xbox One games coming soon — Untitled Goose Game and more

Download Manager For Windows 8.1

Every week, numerous games launch on Xbox One and other platforms. Here are some of the biggest and most anticipated titles launching across Microsoft's platforms next week. In a few days, we'll have a few new smaller releases on Xbox One.