User Manual: Fender Fender® Mustang™ I-V (V.2) Amplifier Owner's Manuals – Fender. User Manual: Fender Fender® Mustang™ I-V (V.2) Amplifier Owner's Manuals – Fender. Fender Mustang I IV V.2 Advanced Manual Rev A Polish. With the Mustang GT 2.0 firmware update we’re pouring a plethora of updated amp models, effects and user-friendly (and user-requested) features into these uber-flexible amplifiers. We listened to players’ requests and refined the already powerful interface, including new icons, simplified menus, an advanced needle-style tuner mode. Oct 25, 2013 Board index » Fender Guitar & Bass Amplifiers » Mustang™ I / II / III / IV / V / Mini / Floor All times are UTC - 7 hours Mustang III V.2 Advanced Owners Manual.
Advanced Manual
This manual is your step-by-step guide to all the advanced
features found on your Mustang™ Mini amplifier. For free
downloads and information on using Fender® FUSE™ software,
please visit

Using Presets
Turn the PRESET knob to select one of 24 presets. Presets are
stored in three banks, colored AMBER, GREEN and RED, in the fol-
lowing order:
Each preset is based on one of the eight amplifier types labeled
next to each of the preset LEDs. Each preset stores the settings
for every parameter on the amplifier (volume, tone, effects, etc.)
except for the master volume level which can only be adjusted by
turning the MASTER knob manually.
Fender Mustang 1 Amp Manual

banks are for storing your own
custom presets. The
bank of presets can only be
modified using Fender® FUSE™ software, available free of
charge at
Programmable Knobs
The four programmable knobs (GAIN, VOLUME, TREBLE, EFFECTS)
will NOT show their true settings when you first select a new preset.
This is because the stored preset setting for each knob can be dif-
ferent from the position that the knob is currently pointing to.
Simply turn a knob to activate it and adjust its current setting. The
knob will remain active until you select a different preset, at which
time the programmable knobs all become inactive again.
You may hear a significant change in volume or tone when
you first turn a programmable knob as the preset setting for
the knob instantly shifts to the activated knob position.
The only way to see what the level of a programmable knob
is BEFORE you turn it is by using Fender FUSE software.
Tone Adjustments (Treble and Bass)
Turn the TREBLE knob to adjust the high-frequency tone of the
Mustang Mini amplifier. To adjust the low-frequency BASS tone,
Fender Mustang 2 V2
press and hold the EXIT button while turning the TREBLE knob:
Effect Selections
Turn the EFFECTS knob to select one of 12 effects. Select 'OFF' for
no effects.
A1: Chorus
A2: Flanger
A3: Phaser
B1: Vibratone
B2: Vintage Tremolo
B3: Octave Down
C1: Small Room Reverb
C2: Fender ’65 Spring Reverb
C3: Stereo Tape Delay
D1: Tape Delay + Room Reverb
D2: Chorus + Hall Reverb
D3: Vibratone + Room Reverb
Programmable knobs are inactive until turned
Rotate programmable knobs to activate
Fender Mustang 2 Manual
Adjusting the BASS level
f e n d e r . c o m